Rain falls down

By rainproof

The tale of two mugs

Four years ago my dad and his ladyfriend got married. As one of the gifts, they got these two mugs. Both of them have always liked only the orange one (Because it's so bright and happy?! and the other one is so dark?!).

Anyways. I've always felt bad about the other mug :( I personlize objects waaaay too much.

I thought about the green/red mugs childhood, when it was still in the store. It's parents told it; it was the most beautiful mug in the world and everyone would like it. Then the mug became very proud and felt good about itself and it thought "I am the most beautiful and nicest mug!". Then one day someone bought it and it was so happy and proud. But when the paper wrapped around it was torn apart, it became very sad, because the new owners did't like it, but the other one they did. And so it has been for the last four years and always will be. My parents have turns for using the mug. Every New Year's Eve one have to say bye to the mug and the other one gets it for the next year. I'm not sure whose turn it is now.

I still get wet eyes when I think this little story, but I try to remember that it's a mug and probably doesn't have any feelings.

Few weeks ago I told this to my father, and I'm glad I did 'cause he told me that he likes both of them equally, but he wants the mug only for my stepmother wants it. So you always want what you can't get...

So which one is it? Which one you like the most? Everybody knows which one has my sympathy :D

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