Roll With It

By Falmike

Super Saturday

The photograph is of an apple, not any old apple but one from my dwarf apple tree, I purchased three dwarf trees, two apple and one pear four years ago to remember my Dad by. This is my first apple, saved from the birds and slugs - I shall enjoy it.

Phone rang at 07:00 this morning to let Clare, and at that time of the morning everybody else in the house, know that her new washing machine would be arriving between 08:00 and 11:00. By the time I tottered down stairs at 08:20 it was in the Utility Room with Clare "cooing and caressing" her new washer. Fortunately the sun shone today so the machine has been given a good work out. It dioes mean that our local acting unpaid Dhobi Wallah is now out of a job, but I'm sure Carolyn will be thankful for that!!

Breakfast in 'Fuel' and very nice it was too, walk through town and home. Power supply run to the shed, lights, sockets and external lights all working, shelves up but still some way to go to get everything in.

Sam still has lost her voice so relatively quiet around the house.

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