It certainly was a surprise! At around 11am it all kicked off and within half an hour or so I was taken by ambulance to the hospital and met by a team of people; no time to really think or to speak to Andrew, who luckily works opposite the hospital and had arrived before me.
It felt like forever whilst wires were attached, forms were read out, risks explained and drugs prepared.
I had just about got my head around the idea of having a C-section but had planned to have a local aneasthetic so that I could be awake to meet the baby. This was no longer an option and before I knew it I was trying to think nice thoughts whilst they put me under...
...And here he is; Max Ernest Hobley, born at 1.38pm, weighing a tiny 6lb
He is just perfect, and although 3 weeks early he's healthy and well and we're all thrilled!
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