Best. Cushion. Ever!

Kazuko came home from shopping a few days ago with a large SEGA plastic bag. She said, "I got you a present." And what a present. A few days earlier we had been in the SEGA game arcade and I had seen this Rogue One cushion in a clear plastic box on top of a grab machine. We looked around the arcade but we couldn't see it in any of the grab machines. So, when Kazuko was walking by the arcade a few days later she popped in, saw the cushion in a grab machine and one it for me in only two tries. ¥200 for this cushion; what a bargain! Kazuko has always been good on grab machines - years of experience when she used to use her female charm to sweetly ask the young men working in the arcades to please move the items for her because they were a bit difficult to grasp. That's why I was never allowed to enter a game arcade with her. Sly! 

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