Squirrel Treats

On an impulse yesterday I bought a couple of powdered sugar raspberry filled donuts.  Since I clearly shouldn't have, it serves me right that they were the worst donuts I've ever tasted.   I ate half of one which was not the best donut experience I've ever had and have consigned the rest of them to the squirrel treat bag.  My blip shows "our" secret spot (the squirrels' and mine) where I try to leave treats for them that the birds don't find.  It doesn't work with jays who find everything and apparently, the deer have caught on because I lost the first two treats to a passing deer.   In addition to the donuts, I've got some leftover waffles for the squirrels also.   So far, there's no ban on feeding squirrels but if one is imposed I intend to mobilize the squirrels to stage a protest.  

P.S.  I know where to get the absolute best raspberry filled donuts called "raspberry pillows" so all is not lost.  

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