Stairway to

well the cupola in this instance and the rest of our renovations.

It was a beautiful day, and I spent it inside, being 'trained' on something I used to train folk in.

There is a sense of ' fed upness' and just general ennui lurking around the flat. I'm tired which never helps and flat, after the holiday.

#2 son brought the Dyson back and I then spent 10 minutes unravelling the strands of long brown hair gumming up the works. Not mine. I also discovered, via him, that my own phone has been diverted to my work BB since before I went on holiday. Doh! No wonder the office was getting odd calls.

What to do? - may be an early night.

PS - the gremlin that stopped Blip recognising the Exif data in my phone seems to have fixed itself. Amazing what these updates can do.

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