
By atoll

Halo Beautiful

The early bird gets the worm, but this morning I missed two potentially nice blips by a matter of just seconds: the first was an immediate shot as I set out from the house at 07:30 to get a paper, and hearing the honk of geese got my iPhone out, but not in time, as a group of four geese flew at rooftop level directly overhead; the second was a solitary milk float tootling past the McClaren garage, but just too far ahead for me to catch up with.

The rest of the day was spent doing some urgent garden tidying, before at late afternoon, me and MrsB set out for Yorkshire. We're staying at my mum's tonight. Strictly beckons.

Enroute, we were running a tiny bit late, whilst I slipped-in a quick detour to Top O' Slate at Haslingden in Rossendale to catch another of the Panopticons public art works.

This then is Halo by John Kennedy of Landlab. We arrived just as the sun was starting to set, and a small group of cider-drinking youngsters were setting out on their own Saturday night's entertainment. You can just about make them out in silhouette.

Is this truly art, or just design? I love it, but MrsB thinks it looks like a satellite dish. What do you think?

Postscript: The other Panopticons seen include:

Singing Ringing Tree by Tonkin Liu at Burnley
Atom By Peter Meacock Projects at Wycoller Country Park.

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