
Thanks to anyone who commented on my 7th year blip anniversary on Sunday, a day which actually signified 7 x 365 blip entries. I actually took my first ever photo for here on 8th November 2010, so I'm counting today as my *real* 7th year anniversary, it seems to make sense calendar-wise.

Back in them early years of my blip, erm, career I got some prints done of a few entries not having any kind of idea how long I'd be doing it for. The print on top of the pile is that first ever entry - taken on the way home from picking up my youngest girl from her pre-school nursery one wet Monday lunchtime. I decided when I published that first entry that I'd stick to four simple 'rules'.

1) The images would be black and white
2) They would be portrait in orientation
3) They would have a unique single-word title
4) They would be taken without flash

I've stuck to the first three rigidly throughout the last seven years, having ditched the fourth one somewhere along the way. A beer then on a midweek night, to celebrate with my prints and rules and other idiosyncracies.

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