
The whole day spent waiting for the phone call from the Dr for my blood test results. Glancing at my phone I saw I had a message - most odd as the phone hadn't rung. It was the Dr - damn. So had to phone the surgery and be put back on the phone call list. So, of course, the rest of the day spent stressing and checking my phone in case the same thing happened again!
Finally, at 5.40 the phone rang.
Not the results I  anticipated - blood platelets high as were alkaline phosphates and Dr spoke of potential problems with stomach, liver or bone.  Another blood test to be done in 2 weeks time. Well, I went into meltdown imagining the worst - of course! Obviously could be something of nothing and due to so many different things I haven't even heard of, but we all know about cancer, and that's where my mind went. I did tell you I was a hypochondriac - right? 
Strangely later on in the evening,  I had talked myself round - not so much as in denying it could be that or that the chances were slim and I was overreacting, but facing the fact it could be and debating what I would do. I was quite heartened to find I still would not go down the medical route. After witnessing  my mum and friend doing that I had maintained I would not and I still felt strongly that I wouldn't. Thinking what I would leave to whom on the basis of how much it would help and ease their lives, left me feeling good. Milkshake and FatCat would go to my sister - she is scared of FatCat but she'll just have to deal with that! 
To take my mind off all these thoughts I watched the latest episode of The Master Photographer series on SkyArts that I had recorded. Really interesting to see how the people interpreted the brief. Went to bed and slept like a log! 

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