
By TBay

Frosty morning.

This has been the first real frost of the winter and what a lovely sunny day followed. It is really nice to have some slightly more winter like weather. A nip in the air and a smell of rich earthiness accompanied it. Mmmmmmm.

Farming - Two out on hauling compost. Tractors serviced so another nice big fat bill on its way!

Mr and Mrs Tbay Jnr and sprogs off to Malta this afternoon. One child has a cold and a hacking cough and the other just a cold! I do not envy the journey there. However once they are there the warm weather will no doubt improve things.

Wish I was going with them!

Much in the news at the moment is very depressing. It’s either shootings, Mr Trumps various antics or being horrible to anyone who has money , oh and the Brexit farce. I really do not like the news currently as I feel that rarely is it a record of what is happening without a slant put on it by the journalist.

How about just for once having News about good things that happened today , because whilst the world of politics will always be dominating our lives  there are also a lot of inspirational people doing wonderful things out there from all counties and all walks of life. Let’s focus on them as well as the tired old rhetoric of politics. Balance is required!

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