Giving this a go...

By Debiives


I meant to take a blip photo on my cycle but forgot to take any so here's a photo of my cycle instead.
40 miles. Total time 2hrs 48, cycling time 2hrs 38. Had to stop and check the map a few times and had at least 5 mins talking to a policeman and lady about a detour I'd have to do as they stopped me to tell me a tree had fallen across the road. They weren't much help really as they didn't seem to be able to read a map or work out where we were. At one point the man said "I think we must be on the highlighted road" Err yes that's my route.

It was a lovely sunny day and I really enjoyed it. Went through some nice villages and past some huge houses.

Also volunteered at parkrun this morning, finally finished Andrew's room painting and built a wardrobe. And I'm going out in a bit to eat cheese.

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