vada abditae

By TomS


It is just over two weeks since I last blipped, shame on me. But it has been very busy and there has not been any 'me time' at all in those two weeks :-(

So this weekend is about getting back into the routine of home life - going for a local walk, picking the apples (terrible crop this year), heading in to town etc.

So this church is St Helen's, dedicated to Constantine's mother. Some say that Constantine, as the first Christian emperor, Christianised the Roman Empire. But in fact, I think it is better to see him as doing the reverse, as bringing Roman bureaucracy and governance to the Church, making it an efficient, centrally managed institution. And that institution has lasted much longer than the Roman empire, surviving schisms and reformations and political attacks for one and a half millennia to still be one of the most powerful organisations on the planet.

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