Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1110. Week 2 - 8th November 2017

Well that’s another week passed since my last entry....and surprise, surprise, my second week is another Arron and Granddad photo!  This time playing with his trains and having great fun....we were babysitting for the afternoon yesterday and have him all day today...hopefully off out to meet Sam for lunch today.
We had a wonderful catch up in the Lake District with some old friends over the weekend which was great fun....ate too much and certainly drank too much!

I may do some back Blips of our trip to Windermere as the scenery was just so beautiful.

I’m trying to catch up with journals but not daily at the moment so forgive me if I miss some of your wonderful entries!

The next few weeks are beginning to look so busy for us in the run up to Christmas so hopefully I can continue to post at least weekly.

This image is another captured from video and I’m loving the new camera...so versatile and although not as good as my GX8 its good enough for me!  My GX8 is staying in its new home with all of my lenses after my stepdaughter decided to buy the whole kit...she’s delighted and so am I....

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