Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Old and wrinkled but strangely attractive

But enough of me...

I found this accidentally dried lime and a red pepper stuffed behind some bottles. I don’t understand such chemistry. Why do things dry out rather than rot? Must be something to do with humidity. I was pretty much a fail at the sciences as a boy, but find all things scientific fascinating. Particularly when they overlap with the metaphysical. At heart I think I would have been a bit like Newton if I had a scientific bent: doing proper physics one minute then dabbling in alchemy. Not many people realise that he was in charge of the Royal Mint and took a hard line with convicted forgers, insisting on the death penalty.

Anyway today was tiring. Quite intense, lot of detail and a lot of weary walking. But did grab some vegan goodies in Guildford in the lovely whole foods shop on the way home.

We are really motoring on change at work now and I can’t say I’m really relishing it ... it just wears you down ... hope I don’t dry out quicker than I should ...

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