The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Apprentice

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Youngest Mini Princess has decided to sell some of her old Lego on Gumtree. This involves ME having to put in the ads and deal with enquiries. I was finding this quite stressful. Two people wanted to come and see the same thing. What to do? Aargh. It also means dealing with strangers. I think you both know that I don’t subscribe to the view that strangers are just friends I haven’t met yet!

The Prince thrives on this kind of thing. He mocked my stress and dared to suggest that I was overthinking the whole process.

I spent most of the day waiting in for potential buyers and it turned out to be quite lucrative for YMP. She thinks this is a great way of making money. I am glad she doesn’t know how to do this herself yet, or I fear I would come home one day and pass someone on the way out with the TV.


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