
We met up with Withers, Zann and Susi today - plus kids, dogs and husbands........Burton Dassett just about survived the carnage although the air was turned blue when Rosie chased the sheep and Zann got verbally abused by a twat - he wasnt banking on that Withers woman knowing more swear words and being louder than him!

Casper isnt usually one for the bitches lady dogs but Sadie seems to have stolen his heart (Rona, I feel you would cause similar behaviour). He spent the whole time sniffing her 10 week old bottom and never left her side. Withers showed she really is the dog whisperer - Sadie is an absolute gem and kept up with all the big dogs and then snoozed in Lucy's arms :)

A perfect day for walking and cake eating and present receiving - thank you ladies as always :)

Off out for dinner tonight but I may have to have a little doze before.....all that fresh air has tired me out :)

PS - LOVED Strictly last night, I do love this time of year :)

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