Gitama's World

By Gitama

Yellow Lupins @ The Devils Staircase....

....on the way to Queenstown.

We left Te Anu early this morning to head for Queenstown.
Some of the views are breathtaking and I’m really aware that one could take it all for granted...turning every corner is something wonderful....but I didn’t sleep well last night.

Trying not to wake Sleepy in the middle of the night and trying to be quiet whilst reaching for the cough mixture...(Irish Moss) it ended up becoming my own private Monty Python skit.....but true to his name Sleepy (so he told me) didn’t hear a thing.

I didn’t feel much like taking pics today........and....when we got to the site where we are camping tonight I rolled down my bed and had an afternoon was lovely.

This evening we took a gondola up the side of the mountain for a slap up meal at the restaurant up the top called the Stratosfare....and after that we were suppose to do some stargazing........that fact that it was almost zero visibility from the rain/mist/fog it obviously got cancelled and we decided to just come back to the van.

We walked back in the cold pouring rain.......which on one hand was a good thing as we had eaten so much food we needed to walk some of it off on the other hand our van looks like a Chinese laundry now trying to dry all our wet stuff.

I’m off to bed again to get cozy and warm.

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