A time for everything

By turnx3


Quite a momentous day today - I actually got my clarinet out of its case and played it! I haven’t touched it at all in over a year, and it’s been many many years since I played it at all regularly. As a child, I had started out with the piano, at the age of about 5 or 6 - hardly surprising, since my Mum was a piano teacher! I started clarinet when I went to grammar school, initially as part of a group class, but my teacher soon let my parents know she thought I would benefit from private lessons. I continued with the two instruments, but the clarinet became my favorite and I made good progress, playing in the orchestra, and passing Grade 8 before finishing school. I continued taking lessons and playing regularly through most of my twenties, playing in a band or orchestra most of the time. Since then my playing became more erratic. Recently I’ve kept telling myself I should take it up again, thinking how disappointed my Mum would have been to know how much I’d let it go, and how I’ve failed to make the most of one of God’s gifts. So today was the day! Since it’s been so long I went right back to my beginner books. The music shown in my Blip still has High Storrs Grammar School written on it, and the price of 2s 6d! Unfortunately at the moment I can’t find much of my other early clarinet music - I’ve got most of the piano accompaniment parts, but not the clarinet part!
Anyway, I thought by recording it on Blip, it is something to make me accountable, so we shall see how things go! Feel free to check in with me in a week or so and see how I’m doing!
One year ago: La grotte Beatrix

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