Say What?!

I think I must be ill ... I did some ironing today!! What's even more worrying is that I didn't intend to wear anything I  ironed! I'm actually delighted I have finally got over my inability to tackle the looming piles of ironing that sit undone in my bedroom and spare room! I might even get it all done by the end of the year! I'm not going to go at it like a whirling dervish - just 5 items each day! 
I went up the allotment early so I could do some more tidying up on my plot. Found an egg in the nesting box - as I'd expected! Usually I feel my ire rise when I discover members have not done a full clean - but instead today I just had a chuckle that I got the egg! 
I spent the next two hours clearing grass and weeds from inside my fruit cage. The cardboard I had covered the ground with had done a good job at keeping it all down and that which had grown across or through it came out easily! I then tackled the damned Blackberry invading from the field next door. It will be an ongoing battle but I think I'm on the winning side of keeping it at bay! 
The ladies were reluctant to say goodbye to the day and go to bed - they were hanging around by the ladder, waiting to see who was going to give in first and climb it to bed! I didn't mind as I had this gorgeous view to look at!
Home to cook my dinner and watch Strictly - what a shocker! Feel gutted as he had so much more to give and was one of the best in my view - just a bad dance for him.
Finally I phoned my aunt in Canada to wish her a Happy Birthday. Must send her a present!!!

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