So hard to ......

....... believe !!
This blip is not very pretty but ----- it is hard to believe this White Lilac ( a cutting from my parents garden 31years ago!) that grew in our garden ,26years ago and I took a cutting from it when I move to my present home. I've controlled the height by having it in a pot, it's leaves fall each year and spring into leaf as Spring begins. Here we are November and it is in bud already , I expect as the frost comes they will disappear . It just proves that the weather is so mild this year. The blue sky is so brilliant today, I've been cutting a bit more of the hedge in the front , I can only do it bit at a time. Having cut/ chopped and filled 1 large sack I gave in for today. Need to do some reading ready for tonight's group. It's not at my house tonight therefore I expect it will be a chilly drive home at 10pm.
I've got washing on the line , this is also a bonus at this time of year. So hopefully that will dry.

Thankful ..... that a little more cutting/ chopping and bagging had been done.

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