Waves of nature

Top of the Pops! Woohoo, thank you everyone!

I thought I'd a rough plan for today's blip - the forecast was for a nice late afternoon and after yesterday's step up in physio I wanted a gentle walk, probably another "blip by car"

Sunbiggin Tarn is a wonderful place for such a venture, so off we set ahead of the gloaming. Despite the chaos of meeting the pheasant shoot on the single track road, we made it to the Tarn and I ambled a ways along the quiet lane. I'd hoped to catch some glorious sky's, but just as they looked to blossom the distant fells were shrouded in cloud - the higher wispy stuff turned a glorious shade of fairground floss though. We headed for home, glowing like the sky. And stopped in our tracks...
There's a sound, a chattering swooshing murmur. If you've stood underneath it you know, if you haven't well you must. Murmuration is simply the perfect word for this wonder. We stopped and stared until fingers were so cold they wouldn't press the shutter. Then we just stared some more till suddenly the dance ended and they roosted, the air empty in a moment.

In extras I've put the best representation I got of the complex helix they seem to make, and a shot that fails and is yet the best I can do to convey the scale or volume or just presence as they sweep overhead.

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