Glowing Beauty...

...of a poly tunnel! Oh the things one covets as one gets older!
Glorious morning on the allotment, in fact all morning as did 4 hours putting more of my beds to bed! I've never done this before - just cleared dead foliage and that's that. But all the beds are either indistinguishable from where they begin and end on one plot and full of weeds, wild strawberries and raspberries on most of the other! So this autumn I am going to cover the lot and then after winter start digging them over and replanting! 
The morning was made even better by the collection  of two eggs in the nesting area! One obviously laid the previous day - and as the other members except Colourful Mai do not clean the nesting area it wasn't discovered! I have no intention of letting the others know one of the girls has gone back into production - "no clean no eggs" is my new motto!  One had been freshly laid as Izzy was sitting on it and it still had some of the  wet bloom that seals the egg and stops bacteria getting in and moisture  being lost. Far too big to be one that Izzy laid - she just likes sitting on eggs! 
Once home I remembered to phone the surgery in the hope my blood results were back. They were and some abnormal so had to make a non-urgent appointment - opted for a phone appointment as otherwise would have had to wait 2 weeks! Will be interesting to see what is abnormal and if they are having an impact that accounts for how I have been feeling. Equally interesting will be what she recommends as treatment - anything pharmecutical I can pretty much guarantee I will reject! Moot point if I will even have more tests if that's what is needed - really depends on what might be wrong and how it would be treated. But I'm getting ahead of myself, as is my habit! So until tuesday will just forget about it as much as possible - after all the receptionist did say non- urgent! 

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