
By TBay


We are looking after Little Miss for a while so that Mummy can get the house tidy ready for her dinner guests. Mr Tbay helped with her brick building and brick posting activity. You may spot a potty in the background which as yet is not a used item on a regular basis. However the potty does provide a useful container for building bricks and also is quite a fashion statement when put on the head. We are hoping the penny might drop in the near future as to its more traditional use!!

Farming - Joshy and Lee hauling compost. Mr Tbay Jnr out slurry spreading all day.

Today our accountant visited us to see how we are getting on with our new accounting system on the computer. It is so much quicker than my previously computerised  version which I set up myself. This bought in system has lots of useful statistics one can instantly pull out plus so many more benefits. I have just completed my first year doing it and now on to my second. also beats my old manual paper and pencil system!!  What will I do with my spare time!!

Mr Tbay also involved with accountant and spent part of his day at the computer too. There is always something to catch up on!

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