A Cold, Windy, Rainy Day

And a perfect day to stay inside, which I did with the exception of a brief trip to the market to buy, of all things, cat food.  Imagine me running out of cat food.  I don't think Miss Huffy Puffy knew the extent of that dire situation and fortunately, I was able to restock the cupboard in plenty of time for her 4th midmorning snack.

Not only did I stay inside, I spent most of the afternoon snuggled on the couch in my fluffy bathrobe watching a movie, "Independence Day", which had been one of my husband's favorites.  In the last year of his life, when Alzheimer's had taken just about everything that made sense,  we found that there were about a half dozen of his favorite movies which could provide a pleasant diversion for him.  "Independence Day" was one of his all-time favorites.  I never kept count but I bet I either heard that movie from an adjacent room or watched it with him about a hundred times after which I could pretty much either recite the dialogue word for word or tell you what was happening from just listening to it.  After he died, it was a movie I didn't watch for a long time.  For some reason, I decided to order it from Netflix and watched it today smiling pretty much most of the time remembering how much he loved it.  

My Extra photo is what it looked like during a brief afternoon respite from the rain.  I never did see a rainbow but I bet there was one somewhere. 

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