Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Are we not men?

Why is it that some days seem to be so dense with experience Iike a collapsing star with so much condensed into one space?

I worked at home until eleven but the house was cold and I was hugging mugs of tea whilst the central heating cranked itself into action. Got quite a lot done, free from distraction. Then went into work on the train, stopping only to buy a poppy from an old soldier dressed in WW2 uniform. He looked the part.

Met two of the younger members of my social network on the train who were going to Guildford shopping. Then stopped to buy a plant for Jerry who was leaving us today after several months as an interim. We had hugs.

Did team brief - talked about conflict of interest, information governance and Christmas buffets. Then ms P drove me to Brighton. We had a good natter in the car. Met my friend of 40 years standing in The Prince George. Bizarrely he and Ms P knew each other and their kids were at school together.

Really nice evening. The Prince George only sells veggie and vegan food and very good it is too. Had a lot to catch up on. Managed to sink a couple of beers hence the empty glasses. Quote of the evening: “Life is a run across open ground”.

Had a dead train on the way home so back later than expected. Not a day without spats, particularly Dylan needing a trip to the vet for his cut on his tummy. But a good day and an exceptional evening.

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