A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Nothing to see here

Just a symbol of my decline.

Today started perfectly fine with a lovely dog walk and coffee with a good friend and her Jack Russell.

And from when I went home to be all productive with a million things I started to feel increasingly awful. Mainly a pressure headache that I eventually lifted with a trip to the swimming pool. Only to be replaced this evening by a streaming nose. I am armed with Night Nurse and hoping that it is contained to today.

In the middle of the headachy fug part of the day I popped to the shops. Came home to unpack the shopping to find this. When we are out with Albi and she sees any sort of bread on the floor she lurches like a crazy thing to grab it. Sometimes we have seen a whole baguette and I have been bemused as to how it could have got there. At least now I know.

Lesley x

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