
Gollum loves toys. All my boys does.... But they play gently. They never really destroy their toys. I have toys, which I bought for my German Shepherd, who died 17 years ago in 2000. 

So the boys do not destroy their toys and I keep buying new toys... Result = we are drowning in dog toys!

Gollum's sister Ex-it loves toys too. But she is NOT gentle, when she plays. She will chew through any toy in no time. The small picture in the corner shows what she has done to her rubber toys. 

So Gollum decided to give some of his old toys to charity and what cause could be better to support than his own sister?! He brought her a big bag full of old toys and balls, when we met with Helle for training today. 

Gollum kept all the soft squeaky toys and gave all the 'boring' rubber toys, ropes and footballs away. Luckily Ex-it does not find them boring and she was thrilled with the gift :-)

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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