Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Autumn Sunshine

Been a strange kind of day where I have been pottering about doing a number of things without feeling I have actually achieved anything. Probably something to do with the fact Mrs B is up in Glasgow for a few days staying with her sister and attending a couple of functions involving the school where she used to work. This means a change of routine as I can eat and do things as I please, including blipping!

Spent the morning checking up on progress with the repairs to the church roof and making arrangements for the final work to be done. I think the reason church roofs seem to be such a problem is the shear size of them. The roofer and his 2 sons have been working away on it since the middle of August and will hopefully get it finished in the next week or so.

The afternoon was mostly spent working on my wee boat, which is safely inside the shed for the winter. Lots of sanding and varnishing to be done to the woodwork, which I intend to take my time over and do thoroughly. Its a couple of years since I worked on it and it shows!

By late afternoon, and without a blip in the camera, I decided to head over the hill behind us to Torrisdale for a different view of the area. There were lots of clouds about, but the sun had broken through to reveal some nice blue sky. I rattled off a number of shots and on review kept coming back to this one. I think its something to do with the contrast between the blue of the sky and sea and the autumnal colours near the shore.

The cats away for another day or so yet so I suspect the mouse may wander further afield tomorrow in search of a blip!

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