
Well, I did go and see Holy Motors last night and I really found it pretty entertaining. I'm half-minded to recommend it but with the proviso that is most undeniably 100% barking mad and might be a bit of a stretch too far for a lot of people (I am so glad I didn't go with my partner last week on our child-free weekend for example, she would have hated it...) but if you're used to full-on European arthouse cinema and don't mind a bit of absolute WTFness then, erm, go for it I say. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that...

Must be some sort of a record on this journal, three self-portraits of varied abstractness in a week. To which the only response is a De Niro-esque shrug and a "Whatchagonnado?"

Music - I have been deep, real deep, in sumptuous territory today whilst out and about on the ipod and at home on the kitchen stereo. Everyone has their favourite album of this man's and to be honest I'm more likely to go for (1) rather than (4) mesen but it's from (4) that today's track comes. I absolutely adore it and the opening line is a bloody belter -

"It's your bicycle bells and your Rembrandt swells"

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