Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Today I had the cataract in my right eye fixed.  I’ve been waiting years for it to get bad enough.  It blows me away what they can do these days—in and out of the clinic  building in 1 hr and 15 minutes.  (I remember the old hospital stays in our parent's generations with sandbags around your head. )     It’s not seeing clearly yet but I have faith that it will. Sees colors different tho!!!!  And I’m looking forward to getting some new decent glasses (I’ve had 3 years worth from the internet) after the other eye in a couple weeks,.  

So I tried to take a picture., ....  Ha.  I don’t have a macro lens but do have a tube thing.  put it on the tripod and with manual focus on my hand, then tried to stand the right distance away from the lens with the remote.   Well what I learned after many many tries is how exact one has to be with distance and also how much of the room reflects in one’s eye.   I turned every which way inside and out.   So it’s a bit blurry (but that fits!) and has a bit of the dining room in it.  But the color of the iris is about right.  And I didn't dare put more than that in...
Ill try to figure out how to do it better another time.    But this will mark this day. :-)

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