Beach antics

Today being All Saint's day, everything was shut & school was closed...we headed over to San An mid morning to meet up with a few people from the community...churros con chocolate on Q&M's rooftop, then down to the beach where the kids ended up in the sea. Lots of running around and laughing...well...until Asha bashed the back of her head falling from a wooden board...then as she got over that upset, she ran full pelt into a pillar and ended up with a lump, bruise and cut right in the middle of her forehead!! Poor chicken.

Drama of the day;
Nate already having woken 3 times since he went to bed, and it's only midnight...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha having a day off so nice to hang out with her.
2) Time as a community, and with the new family too... The joy of the quieter winter months...
3) Calpol. Nate's got a cold and we're all suffering!!

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