Lunch with a friend, but not the same menu!
Another lovely day outside, so I took another long lunch and headed off to Spike Island again today.
I met Kathleen and her husband who I met once before at Pickerings Pasture a few weeks ago. She was the one who told me about Spike Island and where the feeding station was.
She told me where the kingfisher likes to fish, and also that she had seen kestrels hunting out on the marsh, so once I had finished in the wood, I took the long way back and sat on the bench that looks out on the Mersey for a few minutes. I did not see any flying kestrels, but did spot this lovely female(I think) who had obviously caught her lunch and was happily feeding on it on the fence post. For a shot of her dissecting her prey, take a look at extras.
I hope this weather continues on to the weekend, as I don't think I am able to get out again until Saturday - I've got to do some work at some stage this week ;)
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