A Costume Collage

We had a little bit of everything on this Halloween. Merrick and mama posing in the hall at school, a classroom full of costumed kids, a kind of creepy big trick-or-treating baby, a deer, sheriff, penguin, and Daddy wearing Merrick's mask.

But, the biggest surprise of the night? MY DAD PASSED OUT SOME CANDY!!! For the first time in 70 years.  We had to give him some precise instructions ( one piece from the left bowl...two pieces from the right bowl), but he caught on real quick.

We had Lisa's famous BBQ, and a houseful of people. The little ones hit the streets, and the rest of us stayed behind and passed out goodies.

Lisa guesses that we had 300-350 trick-or-treaters, and for the first time in...well...a long time...at 7:20...we ran out of candy. We had to douse our lights, and blow out the pumpkins. Luckily, the traffic on the sidewalks was down to almost nothing.

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