Lest Best!
This sweet little sheep was a gift of AngelsShare, when we met last September and had a great day together... I knew right away t would be perfect for Pinktober. So here it is... a very special gift from a very special friend, for a special blip! In the backdrop the Wisents... :-))
Thank you to wrperry for hosting Tiny Tuesday. I didn't follow the theme...
It's still October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month...So if you will please click for the last time this month on this Link and click on the big pink bar to support breast cancer research and offer someone a free mammogram...and safe a life, possibly... Thank you Blippers who have been clicking the link this last BCAM month... Many thanks for your support and clicks... xxx
Thank you all so much for all your lovely comments and stars for yesterdays Blip! They all are highly appreciated... Xxx
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