Five things

By fivethings

Comfort zone, day 1

1. I have decided that for the next two weeks I am going to one new thing a day. Ideally this will be something that takes me out my comfort zone. I'm going to call it - wait for it - the comfort zone experiment.

2. I'm already a little bit stuck, but assume it will get easier as time goes on. I've started a list, it includes singing in public, playing a musical instrument and cooking (I know, I know, but everyone's comfort zone is different!).

3. There's the temptation to go big with this, learn Spanish or something, but I think it's about small things too, little challenges, small adjustments. Although learning a couple of lines of Spanish is quite a good idea...

4. By coincidence I actually did end up doing something new and different last night (though it was very comfortable, so comfortable it involved cupcakes) by attending a 'make your own toiletries' workshop at the Pig and Butterfly with the Shaws. I think this would technically qualify as a Blipmeet. So I have a journey home that involved transporting left over hummus from lunch, 3 handmade bath bombs, a jar of brown sugar body scrub and a half a spicy Italian sausage meal that Dinos packed into a doggy bag for me.

5. Ok, so repeat after me... Hola, Mi nombre es Marianne. He muy contento de estar aquí, gracias por invitarme.

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