
It was rather chilly on our walk this morning (just after 7:30)…I was glad of my hat!

I did the supermarkets run after breakfast, trying not to buy so much food for a couple of weeks so we can run down the freezer to make way for some soup which I will start making soon. Fish pie (from the freezer) for tea. Fresh fruit salad for pud.

A bit of housework, then lunch, then off to Doncaster to collect our daughter's dog, he is coming to stay for a week whilst they are off off to Disneyland Paris for a few days on Wednesday. So having returned one dog yesterday, we now have another guest. However, he is small and not so much of a handful as Milo.

On the way back I stopped to photograph this bulrush flower head in a roadside pond. I liked the light on it and  the way it is split in the middle. A small aperture was used to throw the background out of focus.

EDIT - apologies, I managed to duplicate yesterday's. Now corrected

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