
By mollyblobs


Storm Brian didn't manage to disrupt the wedding, although on several occasions the marquee and food tents felt rather vulnerable! Conditions for photography couldn't really have been much worse - glowering grey skies, high winds and very little light in the marquee...And the timetable was a rather flexible which sometimes made it hard to keep up with events.

Nevertheless, collectively Chris, Lizzy and I managed to take over 900 photographs, and a reasonable number came out surprisingly well. This was a group shot of all the friends (and a couple of the bride's  young cousins) with the confetti, taken at dusk with very little light. However, it really sums up the relaxed and happy feel of the occasion. I've added a couple of the bride and groom in extras. 

I enjoyed doing the photography more than I expected, probably because I knew many of the people there quite well. It was quite tiring, and after the excellent hog roast I had a bit of a crisis of confidence about whether any of the shots had worked. By that point the light was pretty unworkable, so I put the camera back in the car, and danced the evening away till after midnight. There was a very good playlist compiled by the groom which meant that the dance floor was always full - all ages having fun together.

It was a truly special occasion that we'll all remember for a long time to come.

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