Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Have I grown since last month?

A lovely sunny day today, and a bit too contrasty for photographing in the middle of the day at Orana Park.  However, this giraffe interested me in the way that it stood up against the pole, as if measuring itself against it.

We went for a bike ride in McLeans Forest first, which was very enjoyable until the last kilometre when, on a steep downhill stretch,  R picked up a loop of wire which managed to jam in between the chain and the rear wheel cogs.  It wasn't quite worth heading back to the car for a pair of pliers as the damage seemed sufficient that it would need to go into the bike shop anyway.  At least it was at the end of  the ride!

I've included an image of an Australasian shoveler in extras.  I haven't often seen them at Orana Park.

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