
By tookie

Early Sunday

Our day to head back to Seattle from our mini Portland trip to visit our wee Portland family before we left for home we had some cuddles...we watched them both overnight so the parents could enjoy a "date" night and ..M was first to arise so I fed her a bottle and then Z came out and while M and Pappy watched some kids netflix, M and I sang songs from the ipad.  Later M showed her "see food" , Z played with some mini super heroes and also he practiced how to "trick or treat"...M got to get the truck back to play with that brother Z tried to make her trade for another toy...she held her own!  I was a "naughty" gramma and taught Z to add "smell my feet" to his trick or treat mantra. It will be hard to resist filling their pumpkin buckets when they hear Z's sweet chanting and huge ear to ear grin and tiny M's chirping along! They will be going to a local storefront area as Batman and Batgirl on Halloween!  We had a great visit and now look forward to sharing Thanksgiving at a lakefront rental house soon:)
     Please welcome a new blipper mole who is a friend from Ohio I recently reconnected with at my niece's wedding and we discovered our common interest in poetry and photography:)  

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