Stobo 2017

The daughters are happy and I am happy to see them happy. We have spent time together and time apart- each one finding her own activity, but meeting up for meals and preprandial drinks.

I have visited the gym, swum a view lengths of the pool, been a long muddy walk round the hill loch, visited the very old Stobo kirk and paid a visit to Peebles. I am now ensconced in my room choosing a blip and having a cup of tea before the girls reappear for some cake and a little alcoholic refreshment.

The weather has been perfect today with sunshine and blue skies all day, but bitterly cold this afternoon.
The Italian Garden was beautiful in the autumn light with the ground thick with fallen leaves and some of the trees looking as if they were on fire, so red were the remaining leaves.

My blip is of is one of the series of waterfalls in the Italian Garden and the extra is looking over the valley from the Stobo Castle driveway.

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