My Great Success Story

By SavvyStereo

After The Rush Hour

Recently my days seem long! This morning we had our second ARS (Audio Research Seminar) lecture. We had our names pulled of a hat and one by one we had to state our research topic and when we would like to perform the presentation. I made my piece of paper really small because I thought we would be put in order so I didn't want to be picked first and go first. Turns out we got to pick our spot so when my name was last I had last choice of slot...

Channies, uni fruit then home before my afternoon Audio Engineering 3 lecture. Three hours long! Finished early though.

Immediately after this I went to the first photosoc meeting. We went for drinks in Wates afterwards and they seem like a good bunch of people so I'll give it a good go!

This evening I've just been starting on my final placement report.

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