House in the Country

I had a little excursion today as I was on a course on Dementia Friendly worship in North Staffordshire.  You know those occasions when you are expecting the sat nave to take you one way and don't quite know whether or not to trust it when it takes you in the opposite direction?  It was one of those.  But it worked out to be a very nice country route and it took me past this rather nice if slightly dilapidated mansion on the way to Doxey.  I thought it had some remarkable features - that Lantern (I think that's what you call it) on the roof and some great chimneys.  I wonder if it's someone's restoration project?  I wonder if King Charles slept there?  Or was it Bonnie Prince Charlie?

Anyway.  It's been a very interesting day even if it's meant I've been late going to get some shopping for Mom and Dad and it's 7.30pm and Mom is still not dressed.  That's the way it goes.

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