Shades of Autumn

I've had a great day today! my friend Carol took me out on a fungi-hunting expedition to North Nottinghamshire. We started at a site she has been monitoring and she was thrilled to find a type of truffle she was looking for. They aren't the edible kind and don't look very attractive, but Carol is an expert on hypogeous (subterranean) fungi so to her, it was very beautiful. I've put an image in extras. We then went on to Clumber Park. It was looking stunning in its Autumn apparel. As I've got plenty of extras to use up, I've also put in a couple of other images - 2 fruiting bodies from the same fairy ring - examples of Clitocybe geotropa - one perfect, one imperfect. Nearly forgot, the main image is Shaggy Scalycap (Pholiota squarrosa) It was growing inside the trunk of a very large dead tree.

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