On The Waterfront

My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess Normal,

It was stunning in Wellington today. We opened all the windows and the cats ran from window sill to window sill, excitedly looking at the birds and taking in the smells.

Er Indoors and I decided to make the most of it by heading across town for lunch. What's a little odd about downtown Wellington on a Saturday is how quiet it is. 

I can't even compare it to Edinburgh on a Sunday. It's more like Edinburgh on a Sunday at 6am. But the phenomenon is explainable; who would head to the shops when the weather is as lovely as this?

But we walked through it on our way to Civic Square. I really liked it there and wanted to show it to Er Indoors. Also, it's a good gateway to the waterfront. It brings you out at Te Papa (the national museum) and there are lots of outdoor restaurants and bars there.

We found a bench outside a crowded bar and Er Indoors ordered "whitebait fritters" which are a seafood Kiwi thing that she hasn't had in years. The waitress asked if she would like chips with them.

"Errrrr...." said Er Indoors.
"You're thinking you can steal MINE aren't you??" I said.

It's okay. In fact, this is why I had ordered a large portion of chunky chips. Because I know her. After 18 years together we are like a well-oiled machine. I provide the chips, she provides the casual theft.

(This principle does not work in reverse by the way. Steal one of Er Indoors's chips and you are liable to get stabbed with a fork. Again, 18 years of experience.)

So we had a great time sitting outside and laughing. I asked Er Indoors if she wanted to go around Te Papa. At first she was enthusiastic. But after a couple of Mai Tais and a glass of wine, not so much.

Truth be told, I was a little relieved. I was on mojitos. 

The service was slow and the cocktails took forever. But who cares? On a day like today, having to wait was a positive pleasure. We watched the people walking by, the happy dogs and the kids playing in the water. It was really a terrific day, and a great chance for me to enjoy Wellington with Er Indoors. 

We must do this again. And maybe next time I'll have one less cocktail and we'll make it to Te Papa.


Now it is evening. Er Indoors and I are watching "Stranger Things 2" and having an evening of 80's horror awesomeness. All we need is a cup of coffee to make this day complete.


p.s. Today's extra is a waka - a Maori war canoe. Hence the fearsome fizog at the front.

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