A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

What’s in my magical box of mystery?

Obviously the 4 of Diamonds. But no doubt you knew that.

The real skill of The Magic Circle is that it can take an entirely bonkers, busy day and make it totally disappear.

My head is now so blown from 2 hours of close-up magic from 4 incredible magicians I can barely think, let alone type.

If you are ever in London and can get to one of their monthly shows it is highly recommended. Really small numbers make for very intimate shows and, as you can see, lots of opportunities for audience participation. Here I am putting the finishing touches to my Card in Mystery Box at bus stop act. And Anna and Carl both had close encounters of the mystic kind with a mind reader.

Dinner beforehand at the lovely Brizzi around the corner is also recommended. Excellent pre-birthday outing.

Lesley x

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