A life in pictures...

By GuernseyNix


A fairly normal day to start with. All ended with a panicked phone call from my dad. Suffice to say, Mum and I ended up in A and E for much of the afternoon. For future reference, do not underestimate the height of a ride-on mower which approaching a low branch. And, when you have wedged your hand between the branch and the steering wheel, do not then hit the accelerator instead of calmly reversing out. Finally, do not then go and collect your husband following his earlier eye operation, drive home and then remove your glove and proceed to bleed all over the floor! I can report that my mum is now sporting a very fetching bandage and sling. And my dad is accusing her of stealing his sympathy!!
Also it appears that as a nurse, I make a great teacher! I was the one lying on the bed with my legs above my head whilst my mum was being as brave as brave can be!
Extra shot is available if you’re not squeamish. You were warned!!

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