(Not So) Pampered Pooch
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
Today is Victor’s birthday. He came over with Mary Doll and the Nephew and Niece for lunch. Victor seemed delighted with his presents and cake. He is incredibly difficult to buy for, but helpful as it was, I decided not to go for the stripper option which was the only suggestion from the guys at work.
During lunch, Mary Doll asked how Murphy was getting on at doggy crèche. I assured her that he was having a lovely time and that he was coming home exhausted.
We then had a slightly odd conversation...
MD: ‘You mentioned that they have a dogs swimming pool at this new place’
Me: ‘Erm no, I didn’t’*
There were a few iterations of this conversation before I managed to convince her that I hadn’t told her about the non-existent swimming pool.
MD: ‘But they have a gym there, don’t they?’
Me: ‘No, they have fields with play areas’
MD: ‘Yes, but don’t they have a gym too? With running machines for dogs?’
Me (checking for the crew from ‘You’ve Been Framed): ‘Whaaaat?
MD: ‘Oh, I’ve just realised that was on that vet programme I was watching. Oops, I was telling so and so in the supermarket that Murphy’s new dog care had a swimming pool and a gym’
Oh joy, my mother is going about telling random people that Murphy’s day care is like Gleneagles for dogs!
*At this point Eldest Mini Princess chipped in with ‘Yeah, it’s right next to the doggy cinema’
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