So back out along the SS70 to the house. Cleaning and cutting. It was colder today, a chilly, damp 11C. Went to recce on our registering our residence - which means meeting Italian and EU residency requirements (health insurance, marriage status, eligibility to stay etc).
Later we fired up the wood burner, which is much better than we thought. Later I cut through brambles, blackthorn and a few more acacia, the clumpy grass, the poached clay soil, the ploughed lines of the cinghiali (boar).
Bought provisions in the local store and commented on the ironmonger who is a paraglider/microlite guy who overflew the house yesterday.
Whats App ablaze with preparations for the condominial post-olive oil feast in which we hold the collective remnants of the olive oil.
Lucioano called round to allot us our buying duties for the feast - water and charcoal. Smelling the food I was reheating he said to The Boss, Ma che uomo che hai trovato. (What a man you found.) I coudln't have put it better myself.
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