As Promised...

By aspromised

Night off

My parents kindly offered to babysit so we could go out and have some time together.. so we were very naughty and went for a romantic McDonald’s in the car... then to the cinema to see The Snowman.. no not the sweet Christmas movie.. a serial killer thriller which was.... slightly bizarre! I think I need to read the book do understand what went on! We had a lovely time however Angus was not very settled whilst we were out and kept waking frequently, poor Nana and Grandad! This is nothing unusual, I think I just need to admit he’s not a good sleeper anymore! Next week he’s moving in to his own room to see if this helps anything...

Update: I realise I posted this after starting the week saying I want to be healthy and do more exercise... I lose my Fitbit and that’s it Iv fallen off the wagon... tut! Although we don’t get a date night often so we treated ourselves! But...... Must try harder tomorrow!

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