An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Ball Games...

Set my alarm for 6am.  Woke at 5.30 and thought there was no way I was getting up at 6, so reset it for 7.15am.  Lola slept till almost 8 and we ended up following suit so I ended up having  curly hair day.  No time for blowdrying or straightening.

Shona, our friend the puppy trainer, arrived at 11.30am.  Right on cue for Lola to seemingly forget every command or rule she's learned!  Honestly, what a showing up!  I sounded like a pathetic parent saying "but she's been so good!"   Thankfully once David and Shona took her into the garden and she expended some energy, she found it easier to behave.

Bit of a nothing day really.  Bits and pieces taken care off but not real sense of achievement.

The highlight was Alan playing in the garden with Lola.  He has a dog toy  gun thing that fires tennis balls when you pull the trigger.  Ashleigh is demonstrating it in my blip before Alan got to have a go.  Lola of course had a ball chasing after the balls, although with her teething gums, was keener to eat them than return them!  

We also had a FaceTime call from Ele and Kenny who are out in Spain sorting out their retirement gift to themselves...a lovely two bedroom villa.  They collected the keys last Friday and are spending two weeks checking all the furnishings and replacing whatever needs replacing.   Great fun :-))

The house is absolutely lovely and I hope it won't be too long till we can join them out there for a holiday together. 

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